




William Shakespeare1564–1616the man who wrote the greatest plays in history

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I've often been called the greatest writer in the English language. I was a dramatist, a poet, an actor and a theatre manager. I told every kind of story – comedy, tragedy, history, love. But some things about my life are a mystery...






改变历史的人物  激励人心的经历

  • 第一级(适合小学1-3年级学生)

  • 第二级(适合小学4-6年级学生)

  • 第三级(适合初中1-2年级学生)

  • 第四级(适合初三到高中学生)

  • 正文部分用简明清晰的英文讲述人物生平故事,并以脚注形式提供重点词汇解释,文后附该著名人物生平大事记

  • 书后附英文词汇表,提供重点词汇的英语释义。全书英文原音朗读,提供点读和二维码音频下载功能。

1. 孔子

the great Chinese philosopher

He who learns but does not think is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. Real knowledge is understanding that we actually know very little.

2. 成吉思汗

Genghis Khan
the leader of the Mongolian empire

When I was born, my parents called me Temujin. But later in my life, my tribe changed my name to Genghis Khan. My new name meant ‘universal ruler’. It was a good name for a man who conquered so much land.

3. 征服者威廉

William the Conqueror
the first Norman King of England

I was 8 years old when my father died. My life was in danger and I had to learn to fight. When I invaded England, I was a very brave man. I conquered the whole country and kept it safe from attacks.

4. 乔治·华盛顿

George Washington
the first president of the United States of America

When I was a boy, America was a British colony without its own power. By the time I was President of the United States of America, we had our own government. We had our own constitution but most of all, we had independence.

5. 克里斯托弗·哥伦布

Christopher Columbus
the man who discovered new worlds

I was one of the most famous explorers in history. Although I didn’t discover America, as some people believe, I opened up new worlds to Europeans. I was an expert sailor and navigator, who made four voyages across the Atlantic.

6. 亚里士多德

the first man to organize 
scientific knowledge

If you ask people to mention the names of three great philosophers, my name will come up along with those of Socrates and Plato. People also remember me because Alexander the Great was my most famous student.

7. 约翰内斯·古登堡

Johannes Gutenberg
the man who invented the printing press

I invented a machine to print books – the printing press. After my invention, books were cheaper and easier to make. Books spread ideas around the world. I started the information age. But during my life, no one valued my work.

8. 杰弗雷·乔叟

Geoffrey Chaucer
the man who wrote the first great works of
English Literature

I could tell wonderful stories, and I was very good at describing people. I wrote some romantic poems, but I also wrote about people in ordinary English society. My greatest work is an entertaining record of life in medieval England.

9. 路易·布莱叶

Louis Braille
the man who invented an alphabet for the blind

I became blind when I was a child. There were very few books for people who couldn’t see. It was very difficult for us to learn how to read and write. We needed an easy system. Could I invent one?

10. 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔

Alfred Nobel
the man who created the Nobel Prize

I was a chemist and a businessman. My greatest invention was dynamite, and I made a large fortune from selling it around the world. Then, one day in Paris, five words changed my life forever.

11. 玛丽·居里

Marie Curie
the first person to be 
awarded two Nobel Prizes

As a scientist, I don’t think I could have had a more rewarding life. As a female scientist, my professional achievements were unbelievable. I was the first woman to become a professor at the Sorbonne and the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize.

12. 查尔斯·达尔文

Charles Darwin
the man who changed people’s ideas with 
his theory of evolution

I was a great English scientist and naturalist. I went on a five-year expedition and discovered many new things about plants and animals. I wrote a book about the origins of life, which changed the ideas of many people.

13. 安德森

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson
England’s first female doctor

I was the first English woman to work as a doctor in my own country. During my long life, I tried to improve the lives of women. And I helped to create Britain’s first medical school for women.

14. 巴纳德

Christiaan Barnard
the first man to replace a human heart

I became a doctor because I had a special ambition. My ambition was to give seriously ill people some extra years of life. For this reason, I became a heart surgeon. I became the first surgeon to transplant a human heart.

15. 亚历山大·弗莱明

Alexander Fleming
the man who 
discovered the first antibiotic

Chance may have the most amazing influence on our lives. I have one piece of advice to young laboratory assistants – never ignore something that appears to be extraordinary. You never know what it may lead to.

16. 安托万·拉瓦锡

Antoine Lavoisier
the man who wrote the first modern
chemistry textbook

I was a French scientist, who people call the founder of modern chemistry. With my wife’s help, I wrote the first modern textbook on chemistry. I discovered what water consists of. I died on the guillotine in the French Revolution.

17. 尤里·加加林

Yuri Gagarin
the first man who went into space

I was a famous Soviet cosmonaut and pioneer of space travel. I was the first man to journey into space, and to complete an orbit of the Earth. I became an international hero. Some people called me ‘the Columbus of space.’

18. 路易·布莱里奥

Louis Blériot
the first person to cross 
the sea in an aeroplane

I was the first person to cross the sea from France to England in a heavier-than-air flying machine.

19. 亨利·福特

Henry Ford
the man who mass-produced cars and 
made them affordable

I always loved engines and machines of all kinds. I liked steam engines, and I was happy when cars were invented, but I was delighted when I was able to make cars available to everyone.

20. 巴赫

Johann Sebastian Bach
the man who wrote 
the Brandenburg Concertos

I was one of Germany’s greatest musicians and composers. I could play the organ, violin, flute and harpsichord and many other instruments. I also composed many different kinds of music.

21. 鲁契亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂

Luciano Pavarotti
one of the world’s best opera singers

My father sang very well and my mother and I enjoyed his beautiful songs. I played football very well and I wanted to become a famous footballer. But I became one of the greatest opera stars in the world instead!

22. “猫王”埃尔维斯·普雷斯利

Elvis Presley
the man who changed pop music

My twin brother died, my father went to prison, we lost our home and I had a stammer. But then I started to sing gospel music in church, and I was given a guitar for my birthday. When I sang and played, all my troubles disappeared.

23. 可可·香奈儿

Coco Chanel
the businesswoman who
 changed fashion for women

I spent my life making women look and feel beautiful. I started designing hats, moving onto sportswear and then elegant clothes that were comfortable to wear. I also created the magical perfume, Chanel No 5, that made women feel and smell gorgeous.

24. 古列尔莫·马可尼

Guglielmo Marconi
the man who invented the wireless system

I invented the radio and sent the first wireless messages across the Atlantic. My invention changed the speed of communication. I also invented radar systems. They tell us the speed, position and direction of objects which we can’t see.

25. 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔

Alexander Graham Bell
the man who invented the telephone

I was always interested in sounds. My mother was deaf and my father taught deaf people. I was creative and enjoyed inventing things. I did a lot of experiments and one day, I invented the telephone.

26. 查尔斯·巴贝奇

Charles Babbage
the man who invented computers

Next time you use the Internet or send an email, you can think of me. My invention, the ‘Analytical Engine’, was the first computer. You can see it today at the Science Museum in London.

27. 阿达·洛夫莱斯

Ada Lovelace
the woman who wrote 
the first computer program

My father was a famous poet, but I became a brilliant mathematician. I worked with Charles Babbage and helped him to develop the Analytical Engine. People today call me ‘the world’s first computer programmer’.

28. 迈克尔·法拉第

Michael Faraday
the man who invented the electric motor

I learned only basic reading, writing and arithmetic. But I changed the future of the world by discovering that electricity could be made by using magnets.

29. 约翰·罗杰·贝尔德

John Logie Baird
the man who invented the television

I had an illness when I was a child and I had to live a quiet life. Technology became my hobby. We could send voice messages. Could I invent a system for sending pictures? I decided to try to do it.


Karl Marx
the man who wrote
The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital

I was not born into poverty but I hated the inequality between the very rich and the very poor. I spent my life, through my writing, fighting for equality. I believed that everybody, whatever their class and financial state, should have the same rights.


改变历史的人物 激励人心的经历

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